Monday, May 16, 2011

"My longing has no time when it ceases"

Kate Abbe sent me a note and a link to a TED Talk by Helen Fisher.
"You've probably heard of this lady but just in case you haven't here's the Ted Talk she gave. It could go with your collection on love and chemistry."

Fire runs through my body with the pain of loving you
Pain runs through my body with the fires of my love for you
Pain like a boil about to burst with my love for you
Consumed by fire with my love for you
I remember what you said to me
I am thinking of your love for me
I am torn by your love for me
Pain and more pain
Where are you going with my love?
I am told you will go from here
I am told you will leave me here
My body is torn with grief
Remember what I said, my love
Goodbye my love Goodbye.